सोमवार, 27 मार्च 2023

Mundakopanishad- education- Vedangas- Jyotishamanayanam Chakshu'- Panchang- Sanatani- Dharma- Vaar- yogas- months


द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति  स्म यद् ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति पराचैवापरा च।
By saying this in Mundakopanishad, two types of education have been 
described – Para and Apara. Knowledge of Vedas and Vedangas is obtained
 in Apara Vidya. Throwing light on the six Vedangas (Shiksha, Kalpa, 
Vyakaran, Nirukta, Chhanda and Jyotish) in 'Paniniya Shiksha', Panini 
says that-

षिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं, निरुक्तः छन्दसोचमः।

ज्योतिशामनयनं चैव, वेदाड़्गानि शडैव तु।

To know the Vedas, first of all it is necessary to know these Vedangas. 
In these Vedangas too, Jyotish has been described as the eye of Vedapurush
 by saying 'Jyotishamanayanam Chakshu'. Whenever we have to get the 
knowledge of Shubhashubh to perform Yagyadi Karma, then we take the 
support of Jyotish Shastra only. Which is known as Panchang.

तिथिर्वारष्च नक्षत्र योगः करणमेव च।

एतेशां यत्र विज्ञानं पंचांग तन्निगद्यते।।

That is, the book which sheds special light on Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, 
Yoga and Karan is called Panchang. In this, 12 months, 2 ayanas, 
2 pakshas and 15-15 dates in both sides, 7 wars, 27 constellations 
(28 including Abhijit), 27 yogas, 11 karanas etc. are calculated. This 
calculation is also done with two principles - Solar principle and Chandra
 principle. This question must be coming again and again in the mind of 
some people that what is the use of almanac in the age of internet? 
Everything is available in just one click. But in the scriptures, it has 
been said that the special importance of reading and listening to almanac
 is also given that
- Blessings of Goddess Lakshmi by listening and reading of Tithis, 
increase in age by listening and reading of Vaar, destruction of sins by
 listening and reading of Nakshatras, love of loved ones by listening 
and reading of Yoga and fulfillment of wishes by listening and reading
 of Karan it occurs. Therefore, Panchang holds special importance in 
the life of every person who believes in Sanatan Dharma and it is 
necessary for every Sanatani to make a part of religion like Panchang
 an integral part of his life.


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